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This page is only for those who are not yet Christians, or for very new Christians, so that they can find out answers to questions they may have. Please click here to go to the ‘Links’ tab to order directly from our suppliers, some of whom offer cheap sample packs.


New Christian <3mths

Bible: please only tick if you don’t have one and are not attending a church (please ask them for one instead). (Sorry, due to weight we cannot send Bibles outside UK - please click ‘Links’ page for further options.)

How many animals went into the Ark?

Where did they store all the food?

How could the Ark be

big enough?

Is there objective evidence that God exists?

What are the consequences of atheism (not believing in God)?

Where did God come from?

Can we know God personally?

or Questions?

Did God create light in transit?

Was the speed of light faster in the past?

Does this have anything to do with the ‘big bang’?

Where did all the water come from for the Flood?

Did a water vapour canopy contribute to rain?

Was Mt Everest covered with water?

Mankind rebelled against the Creator with disastrous consequences.

Discover the rescue plan that god effected for us.

What does the book of Genesis say about life’s meaning?

Who were the two Adams?

The answers are inside!

Gives evidence against evolution, and for creation, which evolutionists cannot explain.

Exposes some of the lies of evolution.

(Counts as 3 booklets if sent outside UK due to postage weight.)

Is human and chimp DNA very similar?

Do human embryos go through animal stages?

How does the carbon ‘clock’ work?

Is it reliable?

What about other dating methods?

Is there evidence that the earth is young?

What is the meaning of life? How do I know God exists?

Where do I go when I die? Who is Jesus Christ? What must I do to be saved?

Answers to these and more common questions. (Counts as 3 booklets if sent outside UK due to postage weight.)

Have the continents really moved apart?

How could this relate to the Bible’s account of history?

Could it have had something to do with the Flood?

What are mammoths and where did they come from?

What does the Bible mean by ‘created kinds’?

What happened to mammoths with the ice age?

It is now not lawful to marry your sister.

So if Adam & Eve were the only two people God created, how could their son Cain find a wife?

What does the Bible say about dinosaurs?

What do fossils tell us?

What happen to the dinosaurs?

How many ice ages were there?

Where does an ice age fit into the biblical account?

Does the Flood of Noah explain the ice age?

A former enthusiastic teacher of evolution tells of his transformation:

- from atheism to  Christianity, &

- from evolution to  creation.

How thinking creation enriches science.

What is a ‘race’?

How did different skin colours come about?

What are the consequences of false beliefs about ‘race’? Are black people the result of the curse on Ham?

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Clearly shows how we cannot get right with God any way but God’s way as revealed in the Bible.

If you hope you’re right with God but aren’t sure, this is for you.

Do men have one less rib?

Hospital ‘supergerms’ - don’t they prove evolution?

What makes our bones longer-wearing than the finest man-made metals?

Has Earth been visited by extra-terrestrials?

Could life exist ‘out there’?

Were the ‘sons of God’ and/or nephilim extra-terrestrials?

What about UFOs and government cover-ups?

Does natural law indicate a law-giver?

Do living things demand a supernatural creator?

What about cultural evidence?

If God is loving, why do we have so much death in the world?

How is the creation / evolution controversy related to the death / suffering issue?

Is the universe really as old as many people think?

This booklets outlines a dozen natural phenomena which conflict with the idea that the universe is billions of years old.

I am already a Christian


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